Item(s) Subtotal: $55.56
Shipping & Handling: $13.96
Discount Applied: -$13.89
Total before tax: $55.63
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
Grand Total: $55.63
Enter Tracking Number
Package to: Shanghai Shi SH CN
Current Status: Consolidation Arrived - Pending Customs Clearance and inbound scan
Tracking Events
Event Event Date City State / Province Country Code
Consolidation Arrived - Pending Customs Clearance and inbound scan 2014-09-03T10:28:00-04:00 CN
Exported i-Parcel and in transit to country of destination 2014-08-30T01:29:00-05:00 Los Angeles CA US
Received at i-Parcel 2014-08-26T11:09:22-05:00 Los Angeles CA US
Package details received electronically from Seller 2014-08-24T21:13:16-05:00 作者: ichbinyb 时间: 2014-9-8 13:26
另外,美亚很良心,最近国际运费降了,我去找客服要差价,第一个客服说了半天都不肯,后来昨天晚上又找了第二个客服,二话没说把所有运费全都退给我了,关键还是要多试试,一个不行可以换个客服再试作者: michaelr 时间: 2014-9-8 13:30