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白藜芦醇对冠状动脉疾病患者显示有抗炎作用, m% ?" j: P$ ^# H) M
* ]+ o/ T+ Z9 B3 G- l根据西班牙研究人员发现,许多患者冠状动脉疾病患者补充了白藜芦醇,结果显示了抗炎作用。在涉及75例的已经接受标准他汀治疗的稳定性冠状动脉疾病(CAD )患者的试验中,研究人员比较了安慰剂组,含有白藜芦醇葡萄提取物(葡萄多酚与8毫克白藜芦醇)组和不含白藜芦醇葡萄提取物组进行六个月后,再剂量翻倍服用六个月。治疗的效果对炎症的分析和纤维蛋白溶解的生物标志物和炎症基因外周血单个核细胞(PBMC )中的指数情况进行了评估。
+ ~# E5 I6 M. \9 d3 c- m 一年后,相对于接受安慰剂和常规葡萄提取物的组,接收含有白藜芦醇的葡萄提取物的受试者组显示,抗炎血清脂连蛋白水平有增加而引起炎症形成血栓的纤维蛋白溶酶原激活物抑制剂-1(PAI-1)有下降。与对照组相比,白藜芦醇组也被观察到PBMC中炎症基因的指数情况有了下降。这项研究的作者得出结论:“每天食用含有白藜芦醇葡萄营养食品可以对稳定的冠心病患者患者的心血管起到更多好处。”( f0 N' x* ^& B7 H* @4 d
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翻译自:http://www.swansonvitamins.com/ru-articles/cardiovascular-health/resveratrol-shows-anti-inflammatory-effects-in-coronary-artery-disease-patients.html?SourceCode=INTHIR572&mobile=off&emv_mid=2529576&emv_rid=14960480280 d6 [$ x5 I- w
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Resveratrol Shows Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Coronary Artery Disease Patients- S, A! ?: V5 D4 n' `
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May 15, 2014Supplemental resveratrol exhibits a number of anti-inflammatory effects in patients with coronary artery disease, according to Spanish researchers. In a trial involving 75 stable coronary artery disease (CAD) patients who were already receiving standard statin therapy, researchers compared the effects of a placebo, a grape extract containing resveratrol (grape phenolics with 8 mg of resveratrol) and a grape extract without resveratrol for six months, followed by another six months at double the dosage. Treatment effects were evaluated by analyzing inflammatory and fibrinolytic biomarkers and expression of inflammatory genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). After one year, compared to the groups receiving the placebo and conventional grape extracts, subjects receiving grape extract with resveratrol showed an increase in anti-inflammatory serum adiponectin levels and a decrease in inflammatory thrombogenic plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1). Down-regulation of inflammatory gene expression in PBMCs was also observed in the resveratrol group compared with controls. The study authors conclude that “daily consumption of a resveratrol-containing grape nutraceutical could exert cardiovascular benefits in stable CAD patients.” Tome-Carneiro J, Gonzalvez M, et al. Grape resveratrol increases serum adiponectin levels and downregulates inflammatory genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: a triple-blind placebo-controlled, one-year clinical trial in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2013 Feb; 27 (1): 37-48. doi: 10.1007/s100557-012-6427-8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 K5 m) Q+ Q \3 [+ k
Reserveage Resveratrol2 \# l2 x9 k3 ~' E
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