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服用白藜芦醇和红酒能降低心血管疾病风险 j" K1 X5 {; g! D, I
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来自西班牙的研究表明,红酒中的白藜芦醇成份可能对心血管疾病中的高危病症有帮助。在巴塞罗那大学的一项研究中,研究者对1000个受试者的心血管疾病(CVD)的高危病症评估了与消费红酒和白藜芦醇之间的关系。所有受试者提交尿液样本,总白藜芦醇代谢物水平( TRMS)的测定值作为葡萄酒和白藜芦醇消费量的生物标志物。
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2 }% H; y* F* v' u& V9 N9 m 更高水平的TRMs(反映葡萄酒的消费量)的测定值与高密度脂蛋白,甘油三酯和心脏速率的改善相关。在TRMs的研究模型中,调整为酒精度(表明白藜芦醇摄入量) ,可以看到空腹血糖和甘油三酯水平以及心脏速率的改善。这项研究的作者得出结论,他们的研究结果表明:“通过红葡萄酒的饮用摄入白藜芦醇可能有助于降低心血管疾病的危险因素。”
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Resveratrol and Wine Intake Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk; o0 ~' t8 K3 l
- g+ b/ X, K4 x$ D: _3 I
May 15, 2014Research from Spain indicates that resveratrol found in red wine may help protect against cardiovascular disease in high-risk subjects. In a study conducted at the University of Barcelona, researchers evaluated the association between red wine and resveratrol consumption and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 1,000 subjects at high risk for CVD. All subjects submitted urine samples, from which total resveratrol metabolite levels (TRMs) were measured as biomarkers for wine and resveratrol consumption. Higher levels of TRMs (reflecting wine consumption) were associated with improvements in HDL, triglycerides and heart rate. In models of TRMs adjusted for alcohol (indicating resveratrol intake), improvements were observed in fasting blood glucose and triglyceride levels as well as heart rate. The study authors concluded that their findings suggest “resveratrol intake via red wine consumption might help decrease cardiovascular risk factors.” Zamora-Ros R, Urpi-Sarda M, et al. High urinary levels of resveratrol metabolites are associated with a reduction in the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in high-risk patients. Pharmacol Res. 2012 June; 65(6): 615-20. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2012.03.009.
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# V, \4 j; R5 x Reserveage Resveratrol
" g! X$ ~8 o6 ^1 m5 ?' e5 t, G3 g/ \- 结合我们的有机法国红酒的葡萄源自法国葡萄园和野生制作的天然何首乌。
- 改善你的健康状况和与用自然有活力的混合物来保持你的青春。
- 有机产品,来自法兰西心脏制成
" W2 ~; Y, M- x$ Q6 _
$ A7 q$ X3 m5 E" R ]9 o- Combinines our organic French redwine grapes direct from our French vineyards and wild crafted natural Polygonum.
- Improve your health benefits and preserve your youth naturally with this rejuvenating blend.
- Organically made from the Heart of France
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