Supports Cellular Regeneration & Brain Health 支持细胞代谢和头脑健康
Supports Heart and Circulatory Helath 支持心脏和循环系统的健康
Can Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels When Used as Part of your Diet 饮食中添加绿蜂胶能维持健康的血糖水平
Brazilian Ultra Green Propolis Obtained from the Best Producing Areas of the State of Minas Gerais With its Fields Covered with "Alecrim do Campo" (Baccharis dracunculifolia) 巴西蜂胶取自于最好的产区:米纳斯吉拉斯州,盛产酒神菊树(蜂胶来源,抗菌很强的树种)的地方。
Green Extraction is Our Patent Protected and Exclusive Extraction Method that Obtains Pure Flavonoids from Bee Propolis While Eliminating Nearly all the Impurities and Beeswax. Only Water is Used. No Harsh-chemicals.专利提取技术在几乎能全部去除杂质和蜂蜡的同时,能保证从蜂胶中提取到纯净的黄酮类物质。只使用水,无任何化工物质。 : f/ ^! y0 i! x. o: O
, m, |8 z$ V z0 u0 P6 e3,NaturaNectar Propolis Capsules, Red Bee, 60 Count(推荐链接) . a* c; P9 S7 e9 Y" Q 巴西红蜂胶,促进健康长寿,保障血液和肺部细胞的健康,提高新陈代谢和心血管的健康,独有的异黄酮和木酚素平衡内分泌,调节免疫力。 $ ?5 S; B* `5 l# d9 C 含有维斯体素,新-维斯体素,鹰嘴豆素A,白杨素,芒柄花黄素,异甘草素,松属素,顶盖-白杨素,高良姜精。 2 e; Y: f4 |% A# ^) d, X, q4 j/ ^ ORAC抗氧化指数达到3540 μmol TE/g3 ?& s0 T9 \, T+ b; \: U
红蜂胶,是抑制癌细胞生长,天然的抗氧化剂和抗肿瘤来源。 / d4 g( u$ [, k7 }: k 8 m) Z) f1 S# C# h 7 H6 m0 H/ n1 S- F- w2 {, L