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前些日子在Swanson上搞8折活动时候下单,结果收到订单暂停的邮件通知。再过几天,来通知说这个订单没法发货了。因为DHL要求直邮中国的订单一律不能超过$140。超过者包裹会被中国海关退运。. V! n, m, W; `# ]$ Q0 q, `4 \- l
以下是Swanson转的DHL的具体来信:& k7 Z& }- Y A9 F6 l6 W, t
& K2 ]. S1 o) f7 @( {) P3 A9 `Here’s the letter from DHL:) s& K4 d* c- U0 P7 p2 V$ h6 c7 l+ U
1 C; q% x' I1 y; U' p0 I
February 21, 2014
* k! U& ?7 ?5 T) |* p2 {
' D4 O( R( Z5 @* |Dear Valued DHL Global Mail Customer,+ ?, p) p2 D4 e. }; S, l, q
1 G; O' E c/ ?% F- n6 `. R2 b
In July 2013, Universal Postal Union (UPU) members were advised by China Post of new Customs procedures that were implemented to ensure smooth customs clearance as well as on-time processing and delivery (UPU International Bureau Circular #128, 15 July 2013).
7 z5 c+ n; K% V+ w4 N
2 q2 Y4 x! [9 x- G: TWe have recently been advised by Deutsche Post that the local Customs authority in China will( q! p* t! t0 j/ [1 D( G
begin to strongly enforce such requirements, with immediate effect. The requirements are
" n3 C3 a, E4 \* Q( @, y- E/ j csummarized below:- V! T* K/ v( C9 { d
0 m7 I- P( m1 ~0 n) R+ r9 l6 D. k1) Items for personal use may be mailed into China (postal clearance), only up to a maximum declared value of 1,000 CNY, (140 USD).: ?; d A7 a( |" K
, h2 Z$ x9 P5 h, r, @* U
2) Items imported for personal use which exceed this limit in value, or items intended for/ C4 C) S c, A- G9 g
commercial use, will be required to undergo commercial clearance*.
! ~5 @0 Z* A6 v$ Y( P1 o, D$ w k8 P ; J5 J2 M0 a7 G4 l/ f, [
These new requirements affect the following DHL Global Mail products: Globalmail Parcel, as: ^% C! A7 \. z% ^" I
well as any parcels shipped as Globalmail Packet and Globalmail Packet Plus that weigh or dim out to over 4.4 lbs (2 kilos).
; v, v/ ]$ _( q# c1 C! c# D) c
* i. j' O1 A; R" @* m" J. D) ERecognizing the importance of China as a destination for the B2C marketplace, we are actively investigating solutions to support your shipping needs into China for parcels over the new value threshold**.
8 _- o+ U+ W- h. X4 `
! Q2 }3 e' B& C zWe are, however, unable to provide at this time when an alternative will be operational.
* d; w/ v4 a* H* B, B5 `/ V
* c5 J2 `6 ^9 S$ \; T2 z0 @
; R7 h& o! a% K0 q 大意就是作为万国邮政联盟的德国DHL,可以享受平稳的一次性清关的服务。任何包裹走DHL的Globalmail路线以及Globalmail Packet和Globalmail Packet Plus的路线,包裹不能超过4.4磅。金额不得超过$140(约1000人民币)。超出者将走商业清关通道,很有可能是被直接退运。8 A* a/ _+ T5 O6 R
' i) y* M% B9 ?0 {